IOE Pulchowk Campus C++ Labsheet 2, Qsn. 6
IOE Pulchowk Campus C++ Labsheet 2, Qsn. 6. By DS Baral
//Write a program that displays the current monthly salary of chief
// executive officer, information officer, and system analyst,
// programmer that has been increased by 9, 10, 12, and 12
// percentages respectively in year 2010. Let us assume that the
// salaries in year 2009 are
// Chief executive officer Rs. 35000/m
// Information officer Rs. 25000/m
// System analyst Rs. 24000/m
// Programmer Rs. 18000/m
// Make a function that takes two arguments; one salary and the
//other increment. Use proper default argument.
using namespace std;
float getPresentSalary(float previousSalary, float increment)
return previousSalary + (previousSalary * increment / 100);
int main()
float ceoSalary = 35000;
float ioSalary = 25000;
float saSalary = 24000;
float pSalary = 18000;
float ceoSalary2010 = getPresentSalary(ceoSalary, 9);
float ioSalary2010 = getPresentSalary(ioSalary, 10);
float saSalary2010 = getPresentSalary(saSalary, 12);
float pSalary2010 = getPresentSalary(pSalary, 12);
cout << "Chief executive officer salary in year 2010 is Rs. " << ceoSalary2010 << "/m" << endl;
cout << "Information officer salary in year 2010 is Rs. " << ioSalary2010 << "/m" << endl;
cout << "System analyst salary in year 2010 is Rs. " << saSalary2010 << "/m" << endl;
cout << "Programmer salary in year 2010 is Rs. " << pSalary2010 << "/m" << endl;
return 0;
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